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First Visit
For information or to schedule an appointment, please call (617) 232-3927. In addition to scheduling a time, we will discuss health insurance coverage and/or fees. You can leave voicemail at this number too; this line is confidential.
Also, at this time, you may wish to download the patient information forms, and fill them out before your appointment. This will save time during your first visit.
This visit is the time to discuss the problem(s) that brought you to seek care. Then Dr. Stein conducts a careful examination, and discusses with you the nature of the problem and the options for treatment. This is also a good time to bring up questions, such as concerning the types of treatment you might receive, or the likely duration of your care. With your consent, if appropriate, you’ll receive the initial treatment at this time.
Office Hours
Visits are scheduled by appointment only. Clinic hours are on Tuesday and Thursday.
When You Arrive
You don't need to use the Harvard Vanguard check-in process; just head right to my office. Enter through the door just inside the building's main entrance from Brookline Avenue.