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Research Update: Amsterdam 2019!
Just last week I just came back from Amsterdam--such an enjoyable city!--where I attended the 12th biannual Progress in Motor Control conference. I presented a poster there on an exercise-based approach for chronic back pain, and was lucky to receive very thoughtful responses on my work, from highly experienced researchers in the fields of motor control and back pain.
As some of you will know, this approach (the MOTOR Method) is a new system of exercises I've been developing for some time; the purpose of my poster was to present the broad theory or framework behind these exercises.
Up to now, I've been teaching some of the exercises to patients, as one component of my exercise-plus-hands-on-therapies method. You've all been marvelously understanding about the fact that I couldn't yet give you printed instructions. That's simply because I haven't produced them yet! One of the current challenges is to create the visual presentation of each maneuver. But over time, I'll be developing printed instructions for my patients to use at home.
I'd never been to Amsterdam, and there is so much more to see. So I'll be looking forward to my next visit, once I've recovered from my stroopwafel overdose. (Bitterballen, on the other hand, are an acquired taste that I have not acquired.)